September 3, 2008

Get your stretcher.. get set.. GO!!

This is just sad.. I DO NOT WANT TO BE ANY OF THESE PEOPLE.. Who told Auntie Ri Ri and Uncle Scooter that they could go to the retirement party and do this? Most of them look like they are about to do the running man without the walker.. Lawd I know the parting gifts had to be a year's supply of Ben Gay and $50 off hip replacement gift certificates.. *smh*


Anonymous said...

Girl, you are a fool. And I do not mean that negatively because you are just like me. I am a single mother of 3 girls and I too recently found (and read) my 15 year old's diary. And also like you, I found some ish that I did not like and reacted pretty much like you did. So I know exactly where you are coming from.

I want to thank IPS over at tha feedback for hipping me to your blog. I've now got you bookmarked in my favorites.

Anonymous said...

And I just realized I left this comment under the wrong post. See, I told you I'm a fool.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by Taalsi.. it's really good to know I'm not the only concerned parent out there! Yeah.. and you are a fool too! :-)