I am going to formally introduce one of my bestest friends in the whole wide universe to guest blog on my site. She will appear from time to time with her own thoughts and views about life. Please blogging fam.. show her your warm support and love as she enters the blogging world a virgin...
So be on the lookout for this cool mofo and her peals of wisdom. This should be quite the experience folks..
Beware though.. she's lethal with the vocab
any friend of mom's is a cut buddy, i mean, FRIEND of mine :-)
Tell her to watch herself around Billy, she'll steal the underwear from right underneath her...LOL!!!
*Sets another plate at the family table*
SMH @ Shep.
red, what i do?! :angel:
Thanks fam for the warm welcome - she'll be posting her first blog today.
@ Bshepjr - Lawd chile don't you have enough e-women?? I'm telling Billy!
LMAO @ Bahama.. leave my Billy alone!!
billy is THE ONLY woman for me mommy
Cool!!! What's her name @ R.Dubb?
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