August 29, 2008

Common Sense Ain't Common...

So as my daughter is entering her first year in high school she received her schedule of classes and noticed that Mandarin was one of the classes... uh... eh? Not the orange ya'll the actual language.. now excuse my nerd for a minute, but aren't there like 50-11 Chinese dialects and Mandarin is just one of them? Okay so she's been dying to take a spanish class (Ay dios Mio) so in order to get her classes changed during the first week of school is hectic to say the least. After several emails to the counselor and sending my daughter to check and see if it had been changed several times, I finally get the counselor to change her class. She is instructed to pick up her schedule from her first period teacher.

The day comes and goes and as me and my daughter are conversating last night (after the punishment) she states that she never received the new schedule from the teacher. So I'm wondering.. Where in the hell did you go for 5th period? She said she went to her Mandarin class, but the teacher didn't have her name on the roll call... errr.... uhhh... so you just sat in a class that you know you weren't supposed to be in knowing the teacher didn't have you on the roll today and it never crossed your mind to ask the teacher for a pass to go and see the counselor?? But wait folks.. it gets funnier... she said "But Mom.. I wasn't the only one in the class who wasn't called on the roll call.. there was another kid in class and he had his schedule changed too"

Funny Animations @

So none of you brain damaged children had enough sense to get up and find out what the problem was? Sweet Minty Jesus be a set of directions to the counselor's office!! I swear that child of mine has zero negative sense!!


Sane said...

You're choosing the BEST gif. files for the post points, girl. Tell me you didn't laugh like that baby did when she told you her and that other kid just stayed in that class. lol.

Anonymous said...

Shoot. I would've taken Mandarin over Spanish. But I spoke spanish since mi niñez, so its all good.

I did the same thing as she did when I needed a change. I just assumed someone was on it and fixing it and it just wouldn't be ready for a minute. Although mi escuela de pronto era differente de la d'ella .

*kills you hoes in not one, but dos idiomas*

A. Red said...

LMAO. That poor baby. She was probably still frazzled by the tongue lashing from the cell phone. And Mandarin? The schools need to pay more attention on these fools speaking proper English and knowing more about numbers, other then counting money. SMDH