August 29, 2008

What would Jesus do?

Well as promised I had the "talk" with my daughter last night. It was one of those "uh oh.. damn she didn't forget" kind of conversations.. I let her know right off the bat that I don't think she's a bad child, but the path she's trying to take - I'm trying to nip in the bud so to speak. So before I begin I pull out her signed and dated "mommy contract" and have her recite a portion of the contract:

Inappropriate use of phone include:

1. Use of the phone during school hours – unless calling your mother. Please make arrangements with a teacher to let them know what type of call you are making.
2. Allowing a friends, peers or strangers to use your phone
3. Use of the phone after 9 pm (All days of the week)
4. Use of the phone prior to 8 am (Mon – Fri)
5. Calling boys with the cellular phone
6. Texting or sending inappropriate images/jokes via phone

So after she's done mumbling the words she already knew I asked her to tell me which of the rules she broke or disobeyed... and she had the nerve to say everyone of them besides number 5.. so I had to let her know that no matter what.. (cause you never know WHAT I know) to tell the truth. So after she admitted to the boys calling her and vice versa - it was time for me to lay down the WWE style "mama's" elbow and put the rules back into effect. The phone has been confiscated for a period of two weeks and she can't even use the house phone but to call 911 (Not on me though) and to call family. So after all this I give her another shot to spill some of the beans about these boys particularly Jose because she suspiciously made a comment the night before about one of her "friends" Janae going to a school called Y.E.S. (Youth Empowerment School) and wanted to know where it was located.

*break - remember the diary? Yeah well in her diary she mentions Jose (her puppy love) is attending Y.E.S.

So I ask her what school does Jose attend? If I tell you that girl looked at me with a straight face and told a bold faced lie?? "I don't know what school he goes too..."

Funny Animations @
Funny Animations @

Now I've got a new Metro phone...


Anonymous said...

I see you got that MetroPCS. Good choice ;D
This is just one more reason for me not to have kids . I could've been a much better member of society if I had these rules .

Anonymous said...

LOL! You should see the ENTIRE contract.. I don't play! One day I'll post the entire thing up.

Sane said...

Ok you killed me with thay Florida Evans gif. at the end. It takes a mom to understand the frustration in that scene! lol!!!!!!

A. Red said...

I REFUSE to have kids! Did you make her sign her contract with blood? *dies*