My gripe today has to deal with the Raider organization and the fact they don't have their stuff together.. and I'm not just speaking for the on the field shenanigans of losing the game.. Here's my dilemma...
I had all week to go by the coliseum to purchase my tickets.. I mean the same road I travel to and from work, I pass by it twice a day.. naw but that would have been too much like right. So day of the game I'm in line trying to purchase tickets. Now I think I'm being pretty smart by carrying cash and leaving my credit cards at the tailgate area. I've got a $100 bill and some $20's so I figure I should be able to purchase two tickets easy right?? No ma'am.. the Raiders want me to jump through hoops and do somersaults before I can enter the gates. So as I walk up to the counter I ask the lady behind the 3 inch thick Plexiglas how much the cheapest tickets for today's game are. She tells me $71 a piece.. okay well I'm a fan.. I'm already late.. so yeah I'll take em. As I reach in my pocket and pull out my money she reminds me very kindly that she doesn't accept bills over $20
WHAAAT?? I have a choice - go back to the tailgate and retrieve my credit cards or find change.. Now where in the hell am I going to find change for a hunnered? I ask a few attendants where I can get change and they point me in the direction of the Raider store, but when I get there it's blocked off by a gate so now I have to yell through the gate to ask the guy behind the counter for change... dayum he don't have none (liar.. I see your cash drawer) so a kind Raider fan in line comes to my rescue and gives me change for the bill. Now I make a mad dash back to the line which has now grown exponentially due to fans of the A's (ARE YOU FRIGGING SERIOUS?? You pick today of all days to come get tickets for a game that ain't even going on today...) but they have a credit card and the first card gets declined. So the fan pulls out another card and that is declined as well, but by this time the fan knows this one has money on it for sure so instead offers to pay cash (wrong move buddy) and gets the same answer I do.. so now I'm back in front of the lady who sent me on a wild goose chase in the first place and now the tickets have gone from $71 to $81 a piece...
Let's just say next time I'm buying my tickets in advance and I'm bringing them mofo's all $1's... count that bish!