Now you know most of my blog fam caught last night's debate as well did I, and I was extremely impressed with Biden's ability to stay on topic and answer the questions at hand. Palin on the other hand made me feel like I was watching an episode of the Simpsons with the neighbor..

Yeah... him..
What I want to share with everyone today are the links to the different websites that are posting who actually "won" the debates last night. I always see polls like this and wonder.. well who in the hell did they poll? Not me... so here's your chance to make your voice heard prior to the election. If you didn't watch the debates - then shame on you! This is one of the most important elections in over 50 years and we must watch this election closely. Whether or not you like Obama/Biden or your a firm supporter of McCain/Palin (why?) just kidding.. take some time out of your day and vote in the polls:
Excerpt provided by Move
Tonight, Sarah Palin delivered her rehearsed talking points well, but that didn't sway the voters: A CBS poll of uncommitted voters shows Biden won 46% to 21%, a landslide.1 A similar CNN poll shows a 51% to 36% victory.2
Those numbers are pretty clear—Biden made a persuasive case for ending eight long years of Bush-McCain policies. And he came across as a real vice president. He had actual answers to the problems most Americans are facing right now.
But some pundits on TV are giving Palin a pass. They're saying that because her responses weren't a Katie Couric-style disaster, she won—even though voters disagree.
Can you help fight back by going to our Debate Action Center immediately? There, you can vote in the online polls that reporters are watching to judge who won. You can also write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper about why Biden looked ready for the job—and laid out a clear case for why we need Obama as president.
Click here to take action:
Yeah... him..
What I want to share with everyone today are the links to the different websites that are posting who actually "won" the debates last night. I always see polls like this and wonder.. well who in the hell did they poll? Not me... so here's your chance to make your voice heard prior to the election. If you didn't watch the debates - then shame on you! This is one of the most important elections in over 50 years and we must watch this election closely. Whether or not you like Obama/Biden or your a firm supporter of McCain/Palin (why?) just kidding.. take some time out of your day and vote in the polls:
Excerpt provided by Move
Tonight, Sarah Palin delivered her rehearsed talking points well, but that didn't sway the voters: A CBS poll of uncommitted voters shows Biden won 46% to 21%, a landslide.1 A similar CNN poll shows a 51% to 36% victory.2
Those numbers are pretty clear—Biden made a persuasive case for ending eight long years of Bush-McCain policies. And he came across as a real vice president. He had actual answers to the problems most Americans are facing right now.
But some pundits on TV are giving Palin a pass. They're saying that because her responses weren't a Katie Couric-style disaster, she won—even though voters disagree.
Can you help fight back by going to our Debate Action Center immediately? There, you can vote in the online polls that reporters are watching to judge who won. You can also write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper about why Biden looked ready for the job—and laid out a clear case for why we need Obama as president.
Click here to take action:
Great post Wifee! I will NOT give someone a pass for being able to sound like LESS of an ass. No ma'm!
Thanks Red.. I just refuse to let her winking Joe Six Pack not answering the question ass get elected if it kills me! I agree with Diddy.. she scares me!
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